Focus On Logic, Technology is Myth..!
For many years there were so many technological improvements we have seen. As initially (I might say specifically), we started from C, C++ after that we have seen Java and in recent years we are seeing Go, JavaScript, Node.Js, Vue.Js, and many more frontend/backend languages. It’s not only restricted to the programming languages but hardware improvisation / containerized applications are also took placed in all those years. Examples of those are Cuda, Kubernetes, and many more.
In all those, we have seen the common thing is the Logic. Now definitely you are going to ask what Logic will build in hardware things. So let’s take a simple example of Integrated Circuit(IC). In IC there are so many semiconductors inside it. But how we place those in that small surface will take the logic(You can call it as an adjustment though :)).
When I have started my career initially, basically I had only focus to learn technology and I guess many of us do the same mistake. We think learn techs like C, C++, Java, and some DBs. But we never knew at the very first stage that in all those languages the logic is common and only syntax is different. For example, we say we have to print “addition of two numbers” while in different languages you might only change the syntax and your logic of adding two numbers is the same like take input of two numbers, add them, and print.
So in short logic is very important at the end. Technology is changing day by day but it won’t change logical thinking.
What is Logical thinking?
As when I have searched in Google saying keyword “logical thinking”, showed me the following definition, which I think really self-explanatory.
Logical thinking is the act of analyzing a situation and coming up with a sensible solution. Similar to critical thinking, logical thinking requires the use of reasoning skills to study a problem objectively, which will allow you to make a rational conclusion about how to proceed
When I was reading through the article The Importance of Logical Thinking in the Workplace by Alison Doyle. In that, I have come to know that how important is logical thinking is. At the very beginner level, we might not think those things but we have to learn like the way mentioned.
How does Logic improve?
As of now, we have known that logic is very important but how does it improve? So there are various ways while you can improve yourself to think logically.
- Think before you write: So initially when you’ve started to code, think about the approaches. You might think how many solutions might be for the problem is very important before start. In my case, I have always followed like before starting to write the code I finalize things on pen-paper(It might look like an old method but very effective). So think of so many solutions and then start. It improves your logical thinking and also practice makes it a habit definitely.
- The habit of questioning: develop questioning skills and use them everywhere. Collect all the facts and information through questioning and verify it afterward. Check your sources of information and investigate every piece of information.
- Learn what others wrote: Many of the authors were mentioned that you have to dip dive into already written libraries. As when I have started working on Go I always use to check the already written libraries. It also improves your thinking.
- Discuss if you stuck: Sometimes as human beings, we might be stuck at some point no matter how senior we are. So it is ok to discuss terms with anybody else. From that, we can learn how he/she think about it, what approaches might be the solution and how they’ve learned the solve problems like this.
- Practice more: Basically logic improvement happens through more and more practice. There are so many websites where you can practice the coding questions. Websites like geeksforgeeks, HackerRank, HackerEarth good for the practice.
No matter how many technologies come and go, Logic is always defined constant in them.
Logic will shape your career and helps you to learn new things automatically. Try to improve in terms of logical approach and you will be automatically going to learn the technologies too. So at the last, just a final thought is Focus On Logic, Technology is Myth..!